Galaxy on Fire Wiki
The more good ships we have, the better our business runs.
–Alice's motto
Alice, as presented by the official Galaxy on Fire 2 website.






Terran, Pirates and Void





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This article contains plot details about Galaxy on Fire.

Alice Paolini is a character in Galaxy on Fire 2.


Alice, the sister of Carla, dropped out of school early and became an arms dealer, eventually expanding her influence to a horde of pirate minions. Operating from the Valkyrie station, she is an opportunist who will grasp any opportunity for everyone to dirty deeds - by funds or by force.

Cornelius, one of her minions, asked Maxwell to steal a K'Suukk with assistance from Tarret and Mekant Orsk, and later meets Cornelius' boss Alice, who demands him to test the Skuld AT XR on a S'Kanarr. Then she provides him with Liberator's blueprint, and asks him to nuke her rivals.

Alice becomes interested in the Khador drive and sends her henchmen to kidnap Khador, who is rescued and escorted by Maxwell back to Kothar. Falsely believing that her minions are concealing it from her, she sends Cornelius to seize it with Maxwell protecting him, yet he fails. Catching word of a convoy with components, she sends Maxwell to seize their contents, although he goes rogue after realizing that they work for Khador.

Enraged at Maxwell's betrayal, she reveals her intent to mass-market the drive for profit. Alice then steals the drive (unaware that the Cronos contains an integrated one), kicks Maxwell out of Valkyrie and departs for Beidan to destroy the Deep Science station at Kothar. Maxwell survives the pirates sent after him and, after going through Khador Drive's warp errors, returns to Beidan. He destroys the station's weapons and generators, saving most of Kothar, and Alice is left trapped in Void space when attempting to escape.

Soon, Cornelius is fused with Void DNA by Alice, enabling Void speech at the cost of losing other linguistic abilities.

Left without a choice, Khador suggests using Valkyrie as the plasma array's replacement platform when Trunt Harval destroyed the original. Alice demands Keith to find her a residence on a Terran station with 5+ tech level and orbiting a blue planet (Kalun Amir). He does so and gets Snocom to mobilize 1000 Energy cells from the Terran Fleet's reserve before returning to Void space, accompanied by Hans piloting a Rhino. Alice demands Hans to deliver the cells, before ordering the Voids to attack Maxwell. However, with the assistance of Hans and some hacking, the two break their way through before the station can escape and arrest Alice, while Cornelius is taken to Deep Science.

When the plasma array has been attached to the station and remote access is lost in the crossfire, Alice seized it with a Cicero, although the Terran Fleet outsmarted her with the drive removed beforehand. The Valkyrie Station is then attacked and severely damaged by Trunt Harval (who correctly believes that she will attempt to escape), leaving Alice stuck. Eventually, she fires the plasma array manually after Maxwell's repeated urges and dies in the implosion.
