Galaxy on Fire Wiki
E6 D-X Plating
E6 D X Plating 250
E6 D-X Armor Plating



Tech Level




Known Price Range

-> 15,740$ (Ni'mrrod)
-> 20,171$ (Eanya)

E6 D-X Plating improves the defense of a ship.

In-Game Description[]

The use of hardened DX particles from ancient asteroids is responsible for the E6 armor's special resilience. The cost of this type of armor plummeted a few years ago when a technique for creating the DX particles under lab conditions was discovered.


Armor plating works by adding an extra layer of protection to a ship it is installed on. A ship may only be fitted with one kind of armor plating. The E6 D-X Plating adds 110 points of protection to the armor points a ship already has.

When leaving a space station with armor on, the hull damage bar on the top left of the HUD will turn from red to yellow, indicating that armor had been installed. Any damage inflicted to the ship will strike the armor first until depleted, with the yellow bar growing smaller to reveal the red bar it covered. This damage cannot be recovered unless a pilot has installed a repair bot on his or her ship or until he or she has docked at a Space Station.

If a player has not regularly undertaken freelance missions, then the D-X's 15,000$ will seem very far away. As firefights continue to become more intense through the course of the Void Threat, acquiring more and more powerful weapons and equipment becomes more and more important. The next-strongest armor, the D'iol, is about another magnitude away, money-wise.

