Galaxy on Fire Wiki


Welcome to the Galaxy on Fire Wiki! We are the best source of info on DSFishlabs' games Galaxy on Fire 3D, Galaxy on Fire 2, Galaxy on Fire: Alliances and Galaxy on Fire 3. We currently have 851 articles on the wiki, since August 2010.

This Wiki is No Longer Maintained.

The logo. The GOF Wiki has now migrated to! (this wiki) is no longer recommended as a source of information, since information here will likely become out of date.
All pages, including users and edit histories, were migrated to

The Discord Logo. The community is thriving on Discord!

The Kaamo Club discord server:
In 2016, the wiki moderators realized that Fandom was not suitable as a social platform for this community. The discord server that was created out of this has led to some of the biggest discoveries that the community has ever seen, through all areas such as speedrunning, modding, lore, and memes.
At the time of writing, the Kaamo Club discord server has 1700 members, with more joining every single day.
Come and have a look, we would love to say hi! Discord can be used in your browser, without an account.

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Factions Ships Characters Walkthrough Systems Add Ons

Galaxy on Fire 3
Galaxy on Fire: Alliances


Galaxy on Fire 3

Galaxy on Fire: Alliances


Galaxy on Fire 3
Galaxy on Fire: Alliances


A fan-made 'spiritual successor' to Galaxy on Fire 2 is currently being developed by user Geometry Prime. If you want to support him, feel free to join the Millikan's Reach Subreddit to be kept up-to-date with the development.

Did You Know?

  • ...that Keith T. Maxwell is referenced in the game Everspace, which was created by the developers of GoF?
  • ...that there is a troll face hidden in one of the Midorian Freighters in the Supernova campaign?
  • ...that AMR Sabers were originally rejected bra bombs that were incredibly rare to find?
  • ...that The Manticore's Hangar 18 is a reference to the band Megadeth?
  • ...that is is possible to modify assets?

Featured Article



Until recently (early 2019), modifying Galaxy on Fire, specifically Galaxy on Fire 2, was not heard of. A few members on the Discord took it upon themselves to crack into the root files of the app, and see what assets they could manipulate using a hex editor, as well as other tools.


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Homepage redesign by 8one8100DSTAR

The Galaxy on Fire Wiki is not official, but was endorsed by Fishlabs Entertainment GmbH themselves back in the day. Fishlabs went into administration several years ago, but we still use their logos and materials in good faith and as fair use. Rockfish Games still credits this Wiki!
