Galaxy on Fire Wiki

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This article contains plot details about Galaxy on Fire.

This is mission 3 of the Galaxy on Fire 2 Walkthrough

E2 exoclad


The third mission in the main storyline is pretty easy. Gunant will ask if you can kill some pirates, and he will grant you access to the hangar. Equip one of the two primary weapons and the E2 Exoclad armor. Then leave the station, and follow the waypoints. Pirates will begin to surge, so prepare yourself to shoot. There are only 3 or 4 pirates and while Gunant is inaccurate, he is invincible, so focus on protecting your own ship.

Tips and Tricks[]

  • Because you have only 1 primary slot, the weapon must be chosen wisely.
  • Only one armor is given so just equip that one and purchase a new one later.
  • Kill one pirate at a time rather than trying to damage them all a little.
  • Purchase both weapons. Their price tag is 0 right now, so you can sell one of them for a small profit.
