Galaxy on Fire Wiki
Galaxy on Fire Wiki

This is the eight mission in the Galaxy on Fire 2 walkthrough.

Spoiler Alert!

This article contains plot details about Galaxy on Fire.


This Mission involves traveling to the Union system to look for Thomas Boyle who will lead you to the Deep Science Station at Thynome.

Once you reach Suttnar, Brent Snocom will warn you that Thomas Boyle was kidnapped and tracked to Kappa. Fly to Kappa, grab the free EMP GL I bombs and head to the waypoint.

None of first three pirates are the kidnapper, so feel free to destroy them. The second waypoint's pirate would reveal himself as the culprit. Use an EMP bomb to paralyze him and you will be instantly teleported back to the station. Afterwards, fly Boyle to the Deep Science station on Thynome.


  • Similar to mission 9, if you take too long to get to Thynome, Thomas Boyle will say either "We've been flying around for hours now Mr. Ma-Maxwell! Don't you think we should be heading for Thynome?" or "I'm indebted to you for giving me a ride to Th-Th-Thynome, but I wonder if I should have found another way to get there..."

Tips and Tricks[]

  • If the pirates are too much of a trouble to fight, then EMP them and get to the kidnapper. Refrain from using nukes or most damaging weapons as the mission fails if the kidnapper's ship is destroyed.
  • Either before or after rescuing Boyle, consider getting a Tractor Beam and at least a Telta Ecoscan, as well as a better ship and other equipment if you need to. Then you could head off to Thynome right away.
