Galaxy on Fire Wiki
Galaxy on Fire Wiki
Mp'zzzm Thrust
Mp-zzzm Thrust 250
Mp'zzzm Thruster


Steering Nozzle

Tech Level




Known Price Range

-> 16,061$ (Y'mirr)
-> 18,631$ (S'kolptorr)

The Mp'zzzm Thrust increases the maneuverability of a ship.

In-Game Description[]

Mp'zzzm jets were the brainchild of the famous clan leader, Irrkt Yennot, who was sick of losing in a popular pirate shooting game. Thanks to the powerful Mp'zzzm jets, Irrkt was able to reach the pirate's hideout quicker and never lost against his opponents.


When installed, the force of a Mp'zzzm Thrust will augment the steering of a ship, reducing its turning radius. This, in numbers, means that it adds 100% of a ship's handling to its total. A ship with 100 handling will have 200 handling with this thruster installed. The Rhino, having the lowest handling of 30, will have 60, and the Dace, having the highest handling of 162, will have 324.


  • Even though the description states that Irrkt Yennot reached the pirate hideout faster with this thrust equipped, this steering nozzle, like all the other nozzles, has no effect on your ship's speed.

